The Flow State

The “flow state” is a psychological concept that explains why spending hours doing something you love can feel like minutes.

Our brains like certain tasks more than others. Tasks that are too difficult make us feel overwhelmed. Tasks that are too easy make us feel bored.

Some tasks fall into a “goldilocks” zone right between easy and difficult. These tasks make us feel challenged but not defeated, maintaining our attention by testing our skills. These are the tasks that put our brains into the “flow state.”

Overcoming such a task can be incredibly rewarding, and naturally leads our brains to seek out similar tasks so we can get that degree of gratification again.

While many productive tasks such as playing an instrument or exercising can put us into the “flow state,” less productive tasks can do the same.

Technology excels at putting our brains in the flow state. In particular, social media and video games have a knack for keeping us engaged, often for far longer than we intended.

This doesn’t mean we should avoid technology. It simply means we have to use technology mindfully.

The simplest way to do this is to have a goal in mind before going on social media, playing a game, or engaging with some other type of addictive technology.

For example, don’t open Facebook or TikTok without first thinking, “what do I actually want to see today?” Maybe it’s a video or post from a particular friend or creator. Let yourself browse until you find that, and then stop. Alternatively, set a time limit, say 5 or 10 minutes. When time’s up, close the app, even if you haven’t found what you’re looking for.

It can also help to log your technology use, and try to limit it to predetermined amounts. Generally, using less screens close to bedtime will improve your sleep and mood.

Anything we do to make our relationship with technology healthier pays dividends in the long run.

  • Dr. Sherer


TikTok vs Well-Being


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